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Deep, joyful collaboration to help social impact organizations reach their highest potential.

We serve people who recognize humankind is at a turning point.

There has never been greater possibility for a more just, equitable and sustainable future for all of us. Nor greater risk that humankind will slide backwards for generations.


This is a time for social impact organizations to provide exceptional leadership — to ensure history turns in the right direction. But reaching our highest aspirations requires more than taking advantage of new tools and tactics. We must embrace new ways of thinking. We must ask harder questions of ourselves and demand better answers. We help people rise above their base impulses and act from their deepest, most hopeful instincts.



We help them act with irrepressible ambition.

People's lives, well-being, and humankind's collective future hang in the balance of our success. 


We must not be lulled into a sense of satisfaction with a "professionally practical" approach to progress. The cause around which each of our organizations were founded — and the missions to which we have committed our lives — obligate us to  make the impossible possible. 


We must see our success as a moral imperative. We must become known for the audaciousness of our intent and the relentless intensity with which we try, fail, dust off and try again.



We help them speak with 
unwavering conviction.

Success will not come from adapting our message to the latest public opinion poll. It requires creating the kind of public will that can drive change — and ensure we have all the resources we need to bring that change to life.


Our job is not just to persuade people to give, it is to empower them rise to the occasion this moment in history represents. To convince them to commit their most important "assets" — their heart, mind, time and financial resources — because they share an abiding commitment to the cause.  



We help them mobilize people to expect more —
of themselves and each other. 

We have access to all the knowledge since the beginning of human history in the palm of our hands. Digital community building tools that would have rendered Gandhi and Mandela speechless. Yet we are living through a period of unprecedented  misinformation and polarization.

We must harness the potential of the Information Age to help people find a better way — turning away from the construct of "them" to embrace the promise of "us." We must turn fear into courage. We must turn anxiety into curiosity. We must help people see that anything is possible when we strive together. 



We honor the dignity and agency of the people they serve.

We must abandon our unwitting participation in a power-system that highlights the heroism of a donor-class at the expense of the self-worth and basic humanity of those we've labeled as beneficiaries.


It is time to expand our concept of value beyond the financial — celebrating the essential wisdom, talent, work and passion of the people we have committed to serve. We have an opportunity and obligation to see our work through the lens of an ecosystem  — (re)building a better world that is of, by and for the people and planet.



We help them measure 
what matters most.

It is time to admit that ratios of program vs overhead expenditures unwittingly force us into the role of "stewards" of people's money rather than agents of progress.


It is time to accept that macro-level measures, such as "number of lives touched," while easy to count, do not offer the kind of critical insight required to understand whether our solutions are having a lasting impact where it matters most. There has never been a greater opportunity to describe and measure impact the way real people do in their own lives.




Brand strategy  

Rooted in timeless truths that will guide everything you do


Creating a sense of deep belonging and active participation

Cultural transformation 

To help everyone in your organization embrace the possible

Leadership development 

To ensure your people are always striving for a better way

Social movement building

A committed community prepared to do whatever it takes

Resource mobilization 

Financial support to fuel every priority

Meaningful impact measurement 

Data and insight that define real progress in human terms

Training & retreats

Breakthroughs around seemingly intractable challenges


While they vary in size, mission, and where they serve, our clients have one thing in common: they are restless. They are hungry for innovative strategies and breakthrough creative to help them reach their highest potential—because they see success as moral imperative. 

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What can we achieve together?

"Working with The Matale Line is one of the shining light experiences of my 30+ year career."

— Carol Davidson | JBFCS

"The Matale Line's
'Believe in Zero' Campaign revolutionized UNICEF's 
advocacy and fundraising around the world."

— Jay Aldous | US Fund for UNICEF

"We hired Matale Line to refresh our storytelling
for our 25th anniversary. Their work brought new life to our brand and 
helped us set an exciting course for the next
25 years. "

— Rupert Scofield | Co-Founder/CEO , FINCA

Hopeful conversations

Our work puts us in the company of beautiful, committed people — from thought leaders in academia to change-makers in the NGO sector, from people working in war zones to those dismantling power structures. Watch/listen for a dose of inspiration!


How can your organization 
live up to its highest potential?

© 2024 by Matale Line. All rights reserved.

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